
Cheat Lake


Cheat Lake is 1730 acres with backwater areas at Cheat Lake Park and at the mouth of the river on the south side of the lake that are good for canoeing. Much of the rest of the lake has heavy power boat traffic during the weekends in the summer. Public access to the lake is at two spots. Cheat Lake Park is located at a no wake part of the lake, so it is good for those who want to stay away from fast motor boats. This spot has small boat docks for canoes. The east side of the new bridge on Cheat Road has a parking area and boat launch area that is better located if you want to canoe the southern part of the lake to the mouth of the Cheat River (underneath Coopers Rock).


Google directions below lead to Cheat Haven Park.  One other public put-in spot is located on the south part of the lake -  39.668100, -79.859254. Cheat Road bridge.  


Canoeing, Fishing, Hiking, Bicycling

Web resources:

Cheat Haven Park

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