Ohio River Islands NWR consists of twenty two islands along three hundred and sixty two miles of the Ohio River. Seventeen of these islands and 1,455 acres of land are in West Virginia. For canoeists, these islands provide a focal point to travel to and around while exploring these special areas. Day trips that include canoeing, fishing and some hiking are available. These areas are managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Ohio River Islands NWR is located in eastern West Virginia along the border with Ohio. There are many public access points on the Ohio River. Google directions below are to the visitor's center located at Williamstown, WV 39.391144 -81.421149 Other important access points include: Wheeling Island 40.078799 -80.736368, Paden City 39.604588 -80.942577, Fish Creek 39.808218 -80.817041 and St. Mary's 39.410002 -81.196435.
Canoeing, Fishing, Hiking, Hunting, Wildlife Viewing
Address (Visitors Center):
Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge
3982 Waverly Road, Williamstown, WV 26187
Phone & Email: