Described as the “whitewater rocket ride”, this section is 5 miles of continuous class III-IV whitewater with no pools. This section normally only runs at high water times because the upstream reservoirs holds back water for the fishing interests. Recently, American Whitewater has worked with the Maryland DNR and the Army Corps of Engineers to get recreational releases on the Savage. Check the website below for dates.
Navigate to Bloomington, MD. The take-out is underneath the railroad bridge (take local roads through neighborhood to public take-out – changing “room” near the river). The put-in (Google Directions Below) is about 5 miles away on the Savage R. rd (left out of Bloomington up the left side of the river).
Whitewater, Fishing
Web resources:
Book ” A Canoeing and Kayaking Guide to West Virginia”
Hero photo and some gallery photos courtesy of Jeff Macklin.